Thursday, November 18, 2010

                                                  2PETER 1:3
2 Corinthians 5:21 says, "For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." The fact that God has made a way for us to be righteous is fantastic. I will never get over the truth that on the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ took my sins (past, present and future) and took the wrath that was meant for me upon Himself and paid the price for my ransom, and credited my account with His righteousness. Now when the Father looks upon me He sees His Son's perfect work on the cross. He looks on me as His beloved.

The truth is that nothing else could take away my sin except the death of the 2nd Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ. The only thing man can bring to his salvation is his sin. I can have confidence in God, that those that He elected He provided atonement. May that cause of fire in me to get the gospel out even more. All those that Christ died for will come to faith in Christ. Not one will be lost. Those that come to faith in Christ have their sins paid for in full, their ransom price paid, they are justified by God because of the death of His precious Son, Jesus Christ. 

God wrath is real and has to be dealt with. I am eager to share Christ more. What a honor and privilege as I go about this world to take with me the best news possible and share it with others. Christ has propitiated our wrong and made it right. We must get the message of the gospel out to as many as we can. We must be looking at how we are evangelizing the world around us. If we only looked at it as God did, maybe that would put a fire in our souls for other souls. 
Piper puts it best by saying, "evangelizing is not making sheep, but gathering sheep" God's elect are out there lost. We have to look at everyone as a possible elect person of God. God is who can change a heart to believe the gospel. He provides them with everything they need. He does the work in the heart. But as Christians we should be serious about talking with others more about the gospel. I am sure we all have many opportunities each and every day to throw seed and water everywhere, trusting that God will be faithful as He wills with the results, and that no matter what He does do He is good and has given us the best in His Son.

My heart is full of thanksgiving, praise and worship because of God. I don't need anything but Christ. He is beautiful. What a blessing to have eyes to see the beauty and Majesty of Christ, who He is, and what He has done. I stand clothed in His righteousness. I am a child of the King. 

I will never be able to comprehend the cost. God went to extreme means to bring me to Himself. He first loved me, and showed me His love by dying for me on the cross. I am drawn to love Him and lay down my life for His Name and His gospel and His kingdom. May God do as He pleases. I am content with Him alone. And as long as I have breath I desire others know God Most High.